A propos

Located in Orbais, near Perwez, the company Châssis Collet offers you its services for interior joinery such as the installation of doors, frames, Hörmann garage doors, shutters, mosquito nets, etc. Active for 20 years in the field of interior joinery, the company Châssis Collet advises you about sun protection. We install screens, sun awnings, veranda blinds, etc. Take advantage of a boss who is always present on the building site! We offer different types of frames (wood, pvc, aluminium, double and triple glazing), doors, garage doors, shutters, etc. Châssis Collet is your specialist in sun protection and interior joinery in Walloon Brabant (Wavre, Jodoigne, Louvain-la-Neuve, etc.)!

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Checked company
  • Manager of the company met by our team

  • The manager's history has been checked

  • The company has been a TrustUp.be member for 2018 year

  • Financial health audited annually

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